Best Dental Implant Type for Your Needs (and how to find it)
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Schedule Your Appointment Today Call Now: (661)290-2825As we get older, so do our teeth. With age our teeth weaken and occasionally, they fall out. This can also happen due to an accident or extreme facial trauma. Whatever the cause is, missing teeth can be very distressing, but there are solutions. For many people, dental implants are the best solution for those who have lost teeth. Dental implants can restore your smile to its previous brilliance, whether you need one tooth replace or many. There are several types of dental implants available, so it is important to figure out what the is the best type of dental implant for you.
Those there are many types of dental implants, the procedure itself is fairly straight-forward. Your dental implants are secured to your jaw and replace your missing teeth. Most of the time these implants are not noticeable to the casual observer, your smile will look as natural as ever and you will no longer have reason to feel self-conscious. If your missing teeth have you feeling down about your appearance, then dental implants may be the solution and you should talk to an oral surgeon. Once you’ve discussed the procedure with your surgeon, you should decide what type of implant is best for you.
Understanding the Different Types of Dental Implants
There are four main type of dental implants to consider:
- Root-form titanium implants
- Sub-periosteal implants
- Plate-form implants
- Ramus-frame implants
These four different types of dental implants all have their strengths and weaknesses. Before you decided which of these types is the best dental implant for you, you should consider all the facts. Getting dental implants is a big decision and one that you want to make very carefully, since you have to live with which type of implant you choose for a very long-time. It is best to consider all of your options and then make an informed decision.
Titanium Root-Form Dental Implants
When you mention dental implants, it is root-form titanium implants that will spring to mind for most people. This is the most well-known type of dental implant and is also known as edosteal implants or endosseous. Root-form titanium implants are considered one of the best types of dental implants because they are so durable. This type of dental implant is directly into the bone and consists of tiny that are made of corrosion-resistant titanium.
The Root-form titanium type of dental implant depends on your jaw bone to be in good enough shape to be able to support the implants. If your jaw bone is up for the task of having the root-form titanium implants inserted then this is a type of dental implant that comes highly recommended by many dentists and oral surgeons. After insertion, the root-form titanium implants will fuse to your jaw bone, anchoring them in place. Root-form titanium implants are very strong and very secure, which is why they are considered by many to be one of the best types of dental implants to get.
Sub-Periosteal Dental Implants
Another popular type of dental implant to consider is the sub-periosteal implant. Unlike many other types of dental implants, particularly the root-form type, sub-periosteal implants are not placed inside the jaw bone. Instead, sub-periosteal implants are place on top of the jaw bone. This type of dental implant is often recommended in cases where the jaw bone is not strong enough for a root-form titanium implant.
Once you have decided on a sub-periosteal implant, you will have at least two visits with your dental clinic to proceed with fitting the implant. On your first visit, they will make a model of your jawbone. This model will then be sent away to special lab so that a custom implant, fitted for your specific jaw, will be created. During your second visit, the sub-periosteal implant will be placed under your gums on top of your jaw bone. This type of dental implant requires a little more work and because of that can cost a little more, but it is a great alternative to the root-form titanium type of dental implant and is a little less invasive.
Plate Form Dental Implants
An alternative to both the root-form and sub-periosteal implant is the plate-form implant. Like the sub-periosteal implant, plate-form implants are often recommended as an alternative to root-form implants. A sub-periosteal is often recommended if your jaw bone is too narrow to be reliably fitted for a sub-periosteal implant and too weak for root-form implants.
The plate-form is considered one of the best dental implants for those with a weaker jaw. It is also a little less invasive than a root-form or sub-periosteal implant, though it also may not last quite as long. The plate-form implant is long and rectangular with two prong that are used to anchor the artificial tooth. If you are looking for a less-invasive type of dental implant or you have a weaker jaw bone, then the plate-form might be the best dental implant for you.
Ramus-Frame Dental Implants
The last type of dental implant that is often recommended is the ramus-frame type of dental implant. Like the plate-form, the ramus-fame implant is recommended for those whose jaw is too narrow or too weak for either a plate-form or sub-periosteal implant. The ramus-frame is probably the least invasive type of dental implant, so if you are very sensitive to pain then this may be the best dental implant for you.
However, while the ramus-frame implant is less invasive than the other types of dental implant, it is also the most obvious. A ramus-frame implant is placed at the back of your mouth and a thing metal bar is place along your gum line. A set of dentures is then made to fit your mouth and sit upon the metal bar. Because the metal bar is always visible, ramus-frame implants do not blend into your mouth as easily as other types of implants do.
Choosing the Right Dental Implant For You
Now that you know the different types of dental implants that are available, you should be better equipped to decide which one is right for you. This is a decision that should be made in consultation with your oral surgeon, who will evaluate the strength and depth of your jaw bone
to decide if you qualify for root-form or sub-periosteal implants. Choosing a dental implant is an important choose and you want to make sure that you end up with the best dental implant for your needs.
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Aesthetic Dental & Specialty Center features a comfortable relaxed atmosphere. Our friendly staff and hygienists help put our patients at ease — even the most nervous ones. Our Santa Clarita dentists also provide oral conscious and IV advanced sedation for those patients who need more help to relax.
Whether you need general dentistry services or you have more complex dental needs, our expert dental team serves patients of all ages, and we accept most dental insurance.
No matter where you’re traveling from — Valencia or Stevenson Ranch — Aesthetic Dental & Specialty Center is here to serve you. Take a look at the areas we serve below and schedule a complimentary consultation today!