The Pros and Cons of Getting Porcelain Veneers on Your Teeth

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Beautiful smile attracts attention and inspires even more smiles around. A smile suffering of decayed and stained teeth creates an opposite impression. Of course, not everybody is endowed with beautiful natural smile, but porcelain veneers can help you compensate teeth defects and improve your natural teeth appearance.

Pros of Getting Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers can help improve the appearance of teeth that are malformed, cracked, discolored or have other types of imperfections. In most cases, porcelain veneers dramatically transform a patient’s smile, have pistive impact on oral health and give the feeling of confidence.

  • Improved Teeth Appearance

Porcelain veneers help beautify your smile. Made of semi-translucent ceramic, porcelain veneers look realistic and cannot be noticed. Porcelain mimics the natural teeth enamel which is impossible to achieve with other materials.

  • Possibility to Choose Color

The versatility of color palette is another advantage of getting porcelain veneers applied. Porcelain veneers are individually designed for each patient. You can choose a color that best fits your natural teeth color. Porcelain veneers can be selected to make dark teeth look whiter with no worry that teeth will change color in the future.

  • Resistance to Stains

Unlike your natural teeth, veneers are very resistant to different types of stains. Their porcelain surface is very smooth and imperviable. With porcelain veneers, you don’t have to worry about your teeth color when you drink coffee, wine or other drinks and food containing natural or artificial colorant agents.

  • Durability

With proper care and healthy lifestyle, porcelain veneers can last up to 20 years. It is much longer if compared to composite veneers that usually last about 7 years.

  • Easy to Shape

Unlike crowns, porcelain veneers don’t require long shaping before the procedure.

  • Immediate Result

Being a good alternative to brackets and other treatment, porcelain veneers don’t require months or years to provide visible results. The procedure of applying porcelain veneers is usually done in two visits.

  • Multitasking

Porcelain veneers may help correct several cosmetic defects at once, so, you can spend less time in the dentist chair. Porcelain veneers can be used to cover numerous dental problems: stained or discolored teeth, gaps between teeth, broken, misshapen, crooked, worn down teeth, teeth that are out of proption, etc.

  • Easy Maintenance

The maintenance of dental veneers doesn’t involve much care. However, there are some simple rules that could help prolong the life of your veneers. Porcelain veneers should be brushed and flossed the same way you treat your natural teeth. After some time, you even won’t notice that you have veneers in your mouth. You should also visit your dentist for regular follow-up meetings and professional polishing procedures with a special, non-abrasive paste. For those people who suffer from grinding the teeth, there are special night guards that help prevent porcelain veneers from damage. It is also recommended to wear mouth guards when playing sports as the teeth could break off like any natural teeth.

Cons of Getting Porcelain Veneers

Despite the fact that veneers look realistic, they are still artificial and can’t be panacea for all patients.

  • Not Everyone Is Eligible for Getting Porcelain Veneers

There are some contra indications that exclude the possibility of applying porcelain veneers. Indeed, not everyone can be a candidate for this type of treatment. If you have decayed or weaken teeth, suffer from aggravated periodontal disease or bruxism (teeth grinding) or have bad teeth enamel, applying porcelain veneers will be problematic.

  • High Price

In most cases, porcelain veneers will cost you a considerable sum of money. If you need to apply veneers to several teeth, the price could become a costly endeavor.

  • Fragility

As it has been stated in PROs, when properly cared, porcelain veneers can be very durable. However, it is possible to break them if you grind teeth, eat hard food and apply excessive force on your teeth. Replacing porcelain veneers can be a time- and money-consuming task.

  • Increased Teeth Sensitivity

Since the procedure of getting porcelain veneers involves removal of enamel, you teeth sensitivity to hot and cold could increase.

  • Irreversible

When you have the porcelain veneers placed on your teeth, there is no way back. Once placed in your mouth, porcelain veneers can’t be re-shaped. That is why, porcelain veneers should be carefully used as the broken veneers are very difficult to restore and usually have to be entirely replaced in case of damage.

  • Risk of Trauma

Despite the fact that only a little amount of enamel is removed during the procedure, sometimes, it happens that more teeth must be removed that may cause trauma to the tooth. That is why, it is advisable to discuss the amount of tooth to be removed with your dentist beforehand.


Although there are several risks of getting porcelain veneers, most people consider that advantages porcelain veneers can give, outweighs the disadvantages. If done competently, porcelain veneers can be very beautiful and natural-looking. With porcelain veneers, you obtain a perfect Hollywood smile. That is the reason why many actors and famous public performers prefer porcelain veneers to other cosmetic methods.

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Aesthetic Dental & Specialty Center features a comfortable relaxed atmosphere. Our friendly staff and hygienists help put our patients at ease — even the most nervous ones. Our Santa Clarita dentists also provide oral conscious and IV advanced sedation for those patients who need more help to relax.

Whether you need general dentistry services or you have more complex dental needs, our expert dental team serves patients of all ages, and we accept most dental insurance.

No matter where you’re traveling from — Valencia or Stevenson Ranch — Aesthetic Dental & Specialty Center is here to serve you. Take a look at the areas we serve below and schedule a complimentary consultation today!

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