Tooth Under the Dental Bridge

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Missing teeth can dramatically change the shape of your face and teeth alignment. They also badly influence your speaking, chewing and biting abilities. Dental bridges can help you solve these problems by filling the gap with artificial teeth.

Dental bridges are very durable and can last a lifetime. With proper brushing and flossing after each meal and regular dental check-ups, it is possible to maintain your bridge in perfect condition for many years.

Why Does a Tooth Under a Dental Bridge Go Bad?

Sometimes, a tooth under a dental bridge may go bad. It usually happens because of the gum infection. In case of severe infection, the dental bridge may be removed and a root canal treatment will be needed to treat an infected tooth. Anyway, it is better to ask your dentist and identify the real reasons of your pain and discomfort.

Tooth Decay Under the Dental Bridge, What Should I Do?

Teeth decay formation is a slow process which can take months or years before you see an actual cavity. The main reason for teeth decay is the presence of aggravating factors in your mouth which are usually the consequences of bad oral hygiene and sugar diet. A dental bridge is more difficult to clean than your natural teeth. If not fitted properly, the margins of your bridge may let bacteria and acid destroy your adjacent tooth and finally lead to pulp death.
If the bridge has been done properly and you have healthy abutments, your bridge may last for many years. But, sometimes, people face the problem of tooth decay under the bridge. It is possible to see the cavity on the area where the bridge meets the tooth. If your cavity is deeper and you have crowns it is better to do an X-ray in order to see the decay underneath your bridge. If a cavity has spread to the root, the bridge may need to be removed to treat your root canal and fit a filling in the decayed tooth. It is recommended to have x-rays at least every 24 months to identify the problem at its early stage.

What Are the Reasons for Tooth Sensitivity Under the Dental Bridge?

The tooth hypersensitivity may happen when the bridge sits on the tissue too hard. In this case, the only way is to remove your bridge and fit it properly again. So, be cautious during the procedure of cementing the bridge to avoid any possible complications. Sometimes, patients feel tenderness after the root canal treatment performed before the dental bridge placement. If that is the case, the discomfort will go away gradually.

Does Dental Bridge Cause Bad Smell?

It is not the bridge that causes bad smell, but bacteria within it. Specific smell after the dental bridge procedure is a common thing. When you have bridge, there are left small gaps between gum line and the crown where the food might collect, creating favorable conditions for bacteria generation.
If the procedure of placing a dental bridge has been performed competently, the reason for bad smell is poor hygiene. So, clean your crowns properly at the gum line, use floss and rinse your mouth after each meal. It is also advisable to use waterpick with anti-bacterial non-alcoholic mouthwash or 50% peroxide. Don’t miss your check-up meetings and professional cleanings. If you maintain a good oral hygiene, but still experience a bad smell, don’t hesitate contact your dentist to schedule an appointment.

How Should I Care My Teeth after Having Dental Bridge Applied?

First of all, it is important to avoid biting and chewing hard objects. Dental bridge needs a regular care just like your natural teeth. So, brush and floss it on a daily basis. If you pay no regard to your teeth hygiene it may result in teeth decay and gum disease.

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Aesthetic Dental & Specialty Center features a comfortable relaxed atmosphere. Our friendly staff and hygienists help put our patients at ease — even the most nervous ones. Our Santa Clarita dentists also provide oral conscious and IV advanced sedation for those patients who need more help to relax.

Whether you need general dentistry services or you have more complex dental needs, our expert dental team serves patients of all ages, and we accept most dental insurance.

No matter where you’re traveling from — Valencia or Stevenson Ranch — Aesthetic Dental & Specialty Center is here to serve you. Take a look at the areas we serve below and schedule a complimentary consultation today!

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